DUNE Job Postings 10.15.19 Uppsala University The high energy physics division at Uppsala University has an opening for a postdoctoral researcher to work on experimental neutrino astrophysics with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory. https://labs.inspirehep.net/jobs/1757862 Contact: Erin O’Sullivan erin.osullivan@physics.uu.se Amsterdam University The UvA’s Faculty of Science is launching a major recruitment campaign called ‘Connecting Science’ in the… Read more »
Neutrino 2020 – Registration is Open
Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to announce the XXIX International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics (Neutrino 2020), which will be held from Sunday evening, June 21 to Saturday, June 27, 2020. The conference will take place at the Hyatt Regency Chicago in downtown Chicago, Illinois. The Hyatt Regency is Chicago’s largest hotel and is within walking distance… Read more »
DUNE Job Postings 09.30.19
Rutgers University Focus on SBN and DUNE https://jobs.rutgers.edu/postings/101828 Contact: Andy Mastbaum mastbaum@physics.rutgers.edu Brookhaven National Lab Post Doc nEXOwith additional possibilities to work on SBND, DUNE, Belle-II, etc. https://jobs.bnl.gov/job/upton/electronic-instrumentation-postdoctoral-research-associate/3437/12955491 Contact: Matt Worcester mworcester@bnl.gov SLAC Post Doc with a focus on development of machine learning (ML) techniques for LArTPC data reconstruction. https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/14780 Contact: Kazu Terao… Read more »
DUNE Module of Opportunity Workshop, November 12-13, 2019
There will be a DUNE Module of Opportunity Workshop held at Brookhaven National Lab, Nov 12-13, 2019. For more info please click here.
6th DUNE ND Workshop – DESY, October 21 – 23, 2019
A reminder to register for the 6th DUNE ND Workshop https://indico.fnal.gov/event/21340/ The is an open workshop concentrating on the international contributions to the DUNE Multi-Purpose (Near) Detector. Items to be discussed will include, but are not limited to • Physics Opportunities • High Pressure Gas TPC • The SC magnet system • Calorimetry • Integration… Read more »
Collaboration Meeting Registration is Open
Please register for the upcoming Collaboration Meeting at Fermilab. https://indico.fnal.gov/event/21445/
Rules for talks and posters on behalf of the DUNE Collaboration
We would like to remind everyone about the rules for procedures to submit abstracts or give a talks/posters on behalf of the DUNE collaboration. The entire document can be found at https://docs.dunescience.org/cgi-bin/private/RetrieveFile?docid=5513&filename=DUNE_Speakers_Committee_Rules_August2015.pdf&version=1 Three main points are: – All abstracts have to be approved by the Speakers Committee before they are submitted. – All talks/posters can… Read more »
Re-election of Bob Wilson, IB Chair
The election for the IB Chair position has concluded. We are pleased to announce that Bob Wilson has been re-elected for another two-year term. Congratulations to Bob.
Re-election of Ed Blucher, DUNE Co-Spokesperson
We would like to announce the re-election of Prof. Ed Blucher, of the University of Chicago as DUNE Co-Spokesperson. Congratulations from all of us on DUNE.
Do you have too many Indico accounts?
If you have more than one account linked to your Fermilab Indico account, you can login and clean them up. Please use this link: https://indico.fnal.gov/user/account/ As a meeting organizer, I thank you!