Boards and Committees


The DUNE Authorship and Publication Board (APB):

    1. Oversees review and submission of DUNE collaboration publications, technical publications, and conference proceedings;
    2. Establishes and appoints members of Analysis Review Committees (ARCs) for collaboration publications, in conjunction with the Physics Coordinators;
    3. Appoints Technical Review Coordinators for Technical papers;
    4. Supervises the collaboration comment process for conference proceedings;
    5. Adjudicates conflicts that may arise in the DUNE publication process;
    6. Maintains a database of collaboration publications, technical publications, and conference proceedings;
    7. Develops and proposes modifications of DUNE publication procedures to the Spokespersons, as requested.
    8. Oversees maintenance and development of DUNE publication tools.


The APB can be contacted by e-mail at . Please use this e-mail address also for the communication concerning any draft publication or conference proceedings.



Xin Qian (Brookhaven Natl Lab), chair
TBD – deputy Chair
Enrique Arrieta Díaz (University of Magdalena )
Sara Bolognesi (CEA Saclay)
Aaron Higuera Pichardo (Rice University)
Poonam Mehta (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
Carmen Palomares Espiga (CIEMAT)
Ina Sarcevic (Arizona)
Matthew Osbiston, Young DUNE
Chris Marshall, physics coordinator
Ines Gil-Botella, deputy physics coordinator

Gary Barker University of Warwick, Chair
The DUNE Executive Board (EB) is the executive body of the collaboration. The EB is the prime decision-making body in the collaboration. All substantive collaboration decisions will be approved by the EB. The DUNE EB is responsible for oversight of the scientific and technical objectives and priorities of the DUNE collaboration.Committee:
Sergio Bertolucci (INFN, Università del Bologna), co-spokesperson, chair
Mary Bishai (Brookhaven), co-spokesperson
Dario Autiero, Consortia – TPC Top
Ed Blucher, APA Factory Production Board
Dave Christian, Consortia – HD TPC
Dominque Duschesneau, Consortia – VD CRP
Justin Evans, Consortia – APA
Ines Gil-Botella, Physics
Eric James, FD1 Technical Coordinator
Steve Kettell, FD2 Technical Coordinator
Mike Kirby, Computing
José Maneira, Consortia – HD/VD CALCI
Chris Marshall, Physics
Zarko Pavlovic, Accel and Beam
Francesco Pietropaolo, Consortia – DHD/VD HV
Ettore Segreto, Consortia – HD/VD PDS
Stefan Soldner-Rembold – Phase II
Luca Stanco, Consortia – ND SAND
Hiro Tanaka, Near Detector Technical Coordinator
Alesssandro Thea, Consortia – HD/VD DAQ
Christos Touramanis, – ProtoDUNE
Alfons Weber, IB chair
Michele Weber, Consortia – Liquid Argon
Xin Qian, Authorship and Publications (observer)
Melissa Uchida, Speakers Committee (observer)
Maxine Hronek, Secretariat

DUNE Technical Board meetings are the primary forum for generating recommendations for decisions on issues related to detector design, construction, installation, and commissioning.

Eric James, FD1
Steve Kettell, FD2
Hiro Tanaka, ND

The Institutional Board is responsible for establishing governance rules of the DUNE collaboration and regulating the governance related issues. The responsibilities of the IB include but are not limited to: admission of new collaborating institutions and members; oversight of Co-Spokesperson election process; election of at -large members of the Executive Committee; approval of common funds assessments; establishment and governance of detector operations shifts; and establishment of procedure for publication of scientific results and authorship rules. IB can request presentations on and discussion of specific issues relating to the collaboration or the experiment. The results of such discussions may be recorded and passed to the Co -Spokespersons as formal advice. (from “Governance of the DUNE Collaboration”, v3, Article 3, DUNE Doc 1)

Alfons Weber (Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz/Fermilab), chair
Mayly Sanchez (Florida State Univ), deputy chair


The primary functions of the Speakers Committee (SC) are to ensure that the DUNE Collaboration is well represented at international conferences and to manage the assignment of DUNE speakers for all presentations (talks, posters) given on behalf of the DUNE Collaboration at international conferences and workshops. It provides a single point of contact for conference and workshop organizers.

Contact: Please contact the DUNE Speakers Committee at dune-sc @ to request a talk or poster from a member of the DUNE Collaboration, or to forward such a request if you receive one.

Melissa Uchida (Cambridge), chair – 1 year
Aleena Rafique (ANL) deputy chair – 1 year
Alex Booth (QMUL) – 2 year
Dominic Brailsford (Lancaster) 2 year
Domenico Franco (U Chicago) 1 year
Jay Hyun Jo (BNL) 2 years
Ana Ameila Machado (Universidade Estadual de Campinas) 1 year
Patricia Sanchez (University of Granada & CAFPE) 2 year
Sunny Seo (Fermilab) 2 year
Jake Calcutt (BNL), YD
Sindhu Kumaran (University of California Irvine), YD

Ex-officio members:
Co-Spokespersons (Sergio Bertolucci, Mary Bishai)
Physics Coordinator and Deputy (Chris Marshall, Ines Gil-Botella)
APB Chair and Deputy ( Laura Fields, Xin Qian)

Contact: Please contact the DUNE Spokespersons Advisory Committee at dune-sac @

Sergio Bertolucci (University of Bologna)
Mary Bishai (Brookhaven)
Elizabeth Worcester (Brookhaven)
Mayly Sanchez (Florida State)
Nicholas Carrara (UC Davis)
Alex Sousa (U Cincinnati)
Zelimir Djurcic (Argonne)

The CRC reviews reports of violations of the DUNE Community Agreement[link] and recommends actions the Collaboration should take to ensure accountability and protect Collaboration members from harm. Please see the CA for details of all reporting avenues. You may contact the CRC (all members) via dune-crc @ or you may contact any individual member(s) of the CRC. Please note that any information stored on national lab servers may not be private, so for sensitive matters we suggest that people use alternative methods of contacting CRC members or simply contact the CRC to set up a conversation without providing details

Chair Elizabeth Worcester (BNL)
Secretary Kate Scholberg (Duke)
Senior Member (4-year term) Kirsty Duffy (Oxford)
Senior Member (3-year term) Rhiannon Jones (Sheffield)
Senior Member (2-year term) Tanaz Mohayai (Indiana U)
Junior Member (2 year term) Steven Dennis (Cambridge)
Junior Member (1 year term) Isobel Mawby (Lancaster University)

Senior Member (3 yr term) Erica Snider (FNAL)
Senior Member (3-year term) Mateus Fernandes Carneiro (BNL)
Junior Member (2-year term) Jonathan Paley (FNAL)
Junior Member (2-year term) Asa Nehm (Mainz)
Young DUNE (2 year term) Elise Hinkle (Chicago)
Young DUNE (1 year term) Biswaranjan Behera (SDSMT)

The DUNE Education and Outreach Committee (EOC) is responsible for education and outreach activities in collaboration with DUNE management. The EOC is appointed by the Spokespeople. The responsibilities of the EOC include:

– Initiate, plan, and organize education and outreach activities related to DUNE science
goals and technologies.
– Work with the Fermilab Communications team to develop material communicating DUNE
science to the public, including DUNE’s public web presence.
– Maintain the social media presence of the DUNE Collaboration.
– Coordinate education and outreach activities with other collaborations.
– Centrally support local DUNE education and outreach activities organized by DUNE
collaborators at an appropriate level.
– Approve centrally used DUNE education and outreach material.

Mateus Carneiro (BNL)
Linda Cremonesi (QMUL)
Helio da Motta (CBPF)
Kirsty Duffy (Oxford)
Maxine Hronek (Fermilab)
Kate Shaw (Sussex) chair

The DUNE AI/ML Forum is a new committee charged by the DUNE Co-spokespersons. The goal of this committee is to provide and organize a forum for the machine learning community at DUNE. It brings together scientists from diverse groups within DUNE, helps connect them better to the broader data science community, fosters inter-collaboration common solutions, and provides training and benchmarks. We envision the forum organizing monthly or bi-monthly meetings on a variety of subjects. The meetings could be topic-oriented (focusing on a certain ML technique) and may include external experts. The Forum would also serve as an entry point to find specific machine learning resources, such as software solutions for machine learning or hardware resources through connections with the DUNE Core Software and Computing group.

The committee will be chaired by two scientists who are members of the DUNE collaboration with initial appointment of two years subject to renewal. The co-chairs will be chosen by the DUNE Co-spokespersons who will seek nominations from the collaboration and approved by the DUNE management group.

Jianming Bing (IC Irvine) co-chair
Leigh Whitehead (Cambridge), co-chair