DUNE Job Posting 06.26.20
Stony Brook University, New York
The successful applicant will have the opportunity to take a leading role in any group-related activities. Specific opportunities include the novel DUNE-PRISM long-baseline neutrino oscillation analysis, the joint analysis of T2K beam neutrinos and SK atmospheric neutrinos, and a variety of detector prototyping and construction activities related to T2K and DUNE.
Contact: Michael Wilking (michael.wilking@stonybrook.edu)
University of Sussex
“The University of Sussex seeks a talented and creative scientist for a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Experimental Particle Physics on supernova neutrino detection with the SNO+ and DUNE experiments.
Contact: Simon Peeters, s.j.m.peeters@sussex.ac.uk”
Argonne National Lab
The High Energy Physics Division at Argonne National Laboratory invites applications for a postdoctoral research associate position to attack the computational challenges that experimental HEP will face in the very near future.The Argonne group has significant responsibilities in the operation and development of core software frameworks for HEP experiments in particular the Input/Output software and event data storage. We are responsible for maintaining this software, including its migration to a multi-threaded framework. This knowledge will serve as stepping stone to take on similar scope work in DUNE. The group is also heavily involved in High Performance Computing development and has strong ties to Argonne’s Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF).
Contact: Peter van Gemmeren: gemmeren@anl.gov
Applicants should apply directly to this positing with the submission of a Curriculum Vitae (CV); a list of publications; and arrange to have at least three reference letters send to hep_letters@anl.gov.
University of California, Davis
The Neutrino and Dark Matter group at the University of California (UC), Davis invites applications for a postdoctoral position with an anticipated start date of October 1, 2020. A Ph.D. in particle physics is required.
The successful candidate will join our DUNE group, which includes three professors, in designing and building the DUNE near and far detectors, for which we are currently developing novel calibration systems, pixelated TPC readout electronics, and software for noise-reduction and data analysis. Experience with the design, integration, or operation of detector electronics is a plus, as is extensive software experience from physics analysis and signal processing, even if this experience was acquired in a field outside of neutrino physics.
Contact: Michael Mulhearn (mulhearn@physics.ucdavis.edu)
During Nu2020 conference, there is a career opportunities page on SLACK.
Please see neutrino2020.slack.com